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Communities of Conviction

Baptist Beginnings in Europe



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Lieferzeit: 3 bis 5 Werktage
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Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts versammelte sich eine Gruppe von religiösen Flüchtlingen aus England im Hinterraum einer Amsterdamer Bäckerei, um zu beten und gemeinsam Bibel zu lesen. Um 1609 hatte eine Gruppe von ihnen das beschrieben, was wir heute als Kern baptistischer Überzeugungen verstehen: Die Notwendigkeit einer Gemeinschaft aus Glaubenden, losgelöst von staatlicher Kontrolle, die die Glaubenstaufe ausüben. Von diesen bescheidenen Anfängen her verbreiteten sich die Baptisten über England, Nordamerika, Europa und darüber hinaus zu einer weltweiten Bewegung mit heute mehr als 100 Millionen Anhängern.

In the early 1600s  a group of religious refugees from England gathered in the back room of an Amsterdam bakery to pray and study the Bible together. By 1609 a group of them had formed what we have come to know as core Baptist convictions, especially the necessity of a believers’ church, separated from state control and practising believers’ baptism. From these modest beginnings the Baptists spread through England, North America and Europe and beyond to become a worldwide movement with a community of around 100 million members today.






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„This fascinating volume is more than a compilation of the stories of the regional beginnings of the one European Baptist family; it is a testimony of the enduring grace and goodness of God to a missionary people called Baptist.”

David Coffey (President of the Baptist World Alliance)

„Ian Randall has given us the most comprehensive overview of Baptist life in Europe since the classic study of J. H. Rusbrooke in 1923. Born amidst persecutions and struggle, the Baptist movement has grown over the centuries into a diverse but vibrant expression of the Christian faith. A story masterfully told by a superb historian.“

Timothy George (Founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama/USA, and a senior editor of Christianity Today)

„The more we are aware of our deep roots, the wider we can spread our wings to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Easy to read and yet hard to digest when we realise just how rich and how challenging our heritage is, Ian Randall’s book is more than a review of our past – it points to our current responsibility and our future calling as Baptists within the whole church of Jesus Christ.“

Regina Claas (General Secretary of the Union of Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany

Communities of Conviction



Enthält 7% MwSt.
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Lieferzeit: 3 bis 5 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 588 678 Kategorien: , , , , Schlagwort: